International Business File
Our international business file offers the largest selection of foreign businesses available. Choose by company name and address, or further enhance your list by selecting telephone numbers or fax numbers, or any combination of the many selections available.
TOTAL FILE: 8,327,021
BASE PRICE: $95.00/M
Andora | Egypt | Israel | Monaco | Singapore |
Australia | England | Italy | Netherlands | Slovakia |
Austria | Estonia | Japan | New Zealand | Slovenia |
Bahrain | Fiji | Jordan | Northern Ireland | South Korea |
Belarus | Finland | Kazakhstan | Norway | Spain |
Belgium | France | Kuwait | Oman | Switzerland |
Bosnia-Herzeg | French-Polynesia | Latvia | Pakistan | Syria |
Brazil | Germany | Lebanon | Papua New Guinea | Taiwan |
Bulgaria | Greece | Liechtenstein | Portugal | Thailand |
Canada | Hong Kong | Lithuania | Qatar | Turkey |
China | Hungary | Luxembourg | Romania | Ukraine |
Croacia | Iceland | Macau | Russia | United Arab |
Cyprus | India | Malaysia | San Marino | Vietnam |
Czech Republic | Iran | Malta | Saudi Arabia | Wales |
Denmark | Ireland | Mexico | Scotland | Yemen Arab |
Geographic (Country)
$5.00/M |
S.I.C. Select/Omit | $5.00/M |
Contact Name | $10.00/M |
Telephones (Home or Business) | $25.00/M |
Fax Numbers | $30.00/M |
Cheshire Labels
N/C |
Pressure Sensitive Labels
$10.00/M |
Telemarketing Cards
$10.00/M |
Mag Tape / IBM 3480 Cartridge
$25.00 FLAT |
CD-ROM / ZIP Tape / Diskette / E-Mail
$35.00 FLAT |
Minimum Order
5,000 |
Orders Cancelled after original mail date require payment in full. Orders cancelled prior to original mail date are subject to $50/List, $10/M running charge, format charges and shipping costs.
NCOA’d quarterly, new names added monthly.