Your resource for the most extensive business lists in the industry!
We know how important it is for you to be able to target and identify your key prospects when choosing a business list. With over 25 years of experience offering direct mail and telemarketing leads to businesses around the globe, it’s no wonder why List Service Direct is the #1 Business List Provider in the nation!
We Provide:
- Our 100% guarantee of satisfaction if your list fails to perform, we will replace the unsuccessful data with new data at no additional charge to you!
- Quarterly updates to ensure each business list you purchase will be the most complete, comprehensive, and up-to-date lists available in the marketplace.
- Search by industry, business size, sales volume, geography and other company specific criteria to create the targeted list that will help you.
Choose from over 15 million businesses, selectable by Contact Name, SIC code, Sales Volume, Employee Size, and Geography, just to name a few.
Our Business Lists are compiled from multiple sources including: Yellow Page / Business White Page Info, Annual Reports, 10-Ks & Other SEC documents, Federal State & Municipal Government Data, Newspaper and Magazine subscription information, Transactional Purchase Data, Internet Research and USPS data